Chaitanya K. Purandare

An aspiring security consultant

 2 Years+ demonstrated experience
 Proactively protect your IT assets
 Effective communication with stakeholders
 Understanding of OWASP Top 10
 Automate scans and tasks

View ResumeCEH v10

Work Status

 Available for full-time opportunities in US

- Software Security Intern : Synopsys (Summer 2020)
- Associate Consultant : KPMG (2017-2019)



Test your company's cyber awareness and incident response by sending crafted emails targetted to gather sensitive data

Vulnerability Assessment

Comprehensive vulnerability assessment and tracking of your internal and external assets using professional tools and reports

Web-Application Security Testing

Black-Box, Gray-Box testing of the web applications against OWASP and other business flaws

Configuration Review

Perform an assessment of the OS/DB/Network device  configurations based on benchmarks such as CIS or the organization defined baseline

Wi-Fi Security Assessment

Assess the wireless communication perimeters against misconfigurations, rouge access points, network segregation, WPA or WPA2 authentication protocols etc.

Coding Skills

HTML, CSS Expert
C, Java, C#, JS Advanced
Python Beginner
Bash Beginner